Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The Battle as the Main Substance Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Battle as the Main Substance - Assignment Example The following are the arguments that support this position. The battle analysis method was developed by the US Army Command and General Staff College to provide a format by which any military professional may find insight from historical battles and campaigns, in order to help deepen his or her understanding of warfare. It is intended to be a general guide for military personnel to ensure that significant actions or factors that affect the outcome of a battle or military operation are not overlooked (University of Southern Mississippi ROTC, p. 51). It is comprised of the following checklist: First, define the subject. This involves determining what, where, when, who and why about the study that is being undertaken. It is important to ascertain the date of the battle, its location, and the adversaries involved. This step involves looking for good sources of information such as books, articles, the Internet, and so forth. Second, set the stage (review the setting). From the mass of data, the information is reduced to the essentials among which are the strategic factors, the operational settings, and the tactical situation. In the latter, it is helpful to be guided by the OAKOC (observation and fields of fire, avenues of approach, key and decisive terrain, obstacles, and cover and concealment). Thirdly, describe the action. This step in the battle analysis is the main substance of what people consider military history. The battle should be studied chronologically, with the importance of progression of events derived in the analysis. First, the opening moves of the opposing forces in the battle should be examined, to determine which side gained the early advantage over the other. Detail should then be drawn for the major phases and the key events and decisions that turned the battle in favor of either side. Finally, the outcome should be stated: which party won the battle; what the objective was and whether the objective was attained or not; and what the long-term repercussions of the battle had been. Fourth, draw lessons learned (assess the significance). Lastly, the significance of the encounter should be assessed. This comprises the most important aspect of battle analysis. In this step, the information derived about the action is analyzed to yield important lessons for t he future. It involves relating causes of why something happened, to the effects of these events. The insights derived therein called the â€Å"constants of war† form part of the timeless lessons useful in future encounters (USM-ROTC, n.d.).  

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Global Warming Controversy in Political Perspective

Global Warming Controversy in Political Perspective Raihan JamilENGL-1005Alison Grifa Ismaili Former president of the United States, Barack Obama said I am often asked whether I believe in Global Warming. I now just reply with the question: Do you believe in gravity? quoted in Washington Post (Samenow, 2011, p. LZ01). Barack Obama stated Global Warming as an established fact. On the other hand, current president of the United States, Donald Trump expressed the opposite view. He stated, The concept of global warming was created by the Chinese in order to make U.S. manufacturing non-competitive quoted in New York Times (Edward Wong, 2015, P. wa23). It is clear that the idea global warming has been shifted from obscure scientific fact to public anxiety and international political regulatory interest. The world is facing an unprecedented set of challenges to address global warming. International organizations have tried to set up a reformed policy to cope with the situation but political disagreements, public anxiety and suspicion make it difficult to face the challenges of globa l warming. The purpose of this essay is to clarify the debate of global warming in a scientific view relating to political controversy. According to the French relativist sociologist Cyril Lemieux controversies, which are conflicts, always have a triadic structure. It means that there are always situations where the opposition between two groups is staged in front of a public of peers (Lemieux, 2007, P. 59). From the above point of view, there is a difference between scientific knowledge and other forms, because scientific knowledge must to go through peer review. That does not mean that the scientific knowledge is absolutely true. The more the non-specialists are set to a position of judgement, the more it would like to be a controversy. Political interests brought this in institutional crisis. According to Zajoke (2011) in his article, the scientific point of view has not changed much about the global warming but public understanding has changed. Political perception influenced this change (P. 459). So, the burning question is, why is global warming so connected to global politics? To understand the relationship of global warming to global politics, it is necessary to understand the responsible facts of global warming. In simple way, global warming can be defined as the phenomenon of increasing the earths temperature. This increase happens due to trapping heat in the earths atmosphere coming from the solar system. Heat coming from the solar system has a shorter wavelength but when it returns, the wavelength increases and gets trapped and creates an imbalance of incoming and outgoing heat. This happens because of the presence of greenhouse gasses live in the atmosphere and there is a direct relationship between greenhouse gasses and industrial activity. History says, there was no significant change in the temperature of the Earth up to 1890s, but in the twentieth century, the worlds temperature has increased by and drawn a deserved concern for humankind. This may lead to our plan ets cataclysm. Much of the earth surface might go under sea water. Industrial activity produces more greenhouse gasses which are thought to be responsible for the global temperature rise. Therefore, the industrial activities of the developed countries are more responsible for the rise of global temperature but the developing countries are in the most vulnerable situations. Why should one group of people bear the negative effects of anothers activity? This is the reason that the global politics is closely connected to global warming. The international authorities have tried tried to establish regulations to reduce the amount of greenhouse gasses and to compensate the affected countries. Carbon tax is one example of such type of compensation. The industries or countries who are responsible for carbon emission will pay a tax as a penalty for the emission. But, some powerful countries have rejected this regulation and tried to bring this in worlds political platform (Demeritt, 2013, p. 49). Politicians often lie to disprove the fact of global warming and try to create controversial situation. The history of the earths geological activities are complex and there are some scientific findings that the global warming is a cyclic process. Scientists claimed that several hundreds of thousands year ago, the earth has experienced the temperature rise as it is experiencing now. But it is obvious that the global temperature is rising. In the short term, the effect of global warming cant understand easily. But in the long term, it will cause huge damage to the environment as it is a slow process. Politicians often try to take advantage of scientific bias by making people suspicious about the fact. Professor Tol from Sussex University mentioned some short-term benefits of global warming in his book titled How Much Have Global Problems Cost the world? He said that an increment of temperature up to 3 degree Celsius from which 0.80 degree Celsius has occurred already in the last 150 y ears, has some beneficial effects; for instance, more resilient plants, a more diverse food supply, low energy cost, better agricultural effects, richer bio diversity, and lower mortality rate (Demeritt, 2001 p. 307). This is the established fact that the global warming is a slow process and hard to understand its effect. People often get skeptical because of this characteristic. People want to believe eye catching things, and politicians try to take advantage of this. It is so easy to create confusion about global warming whose impacts are barely noticed in broad perspective. Global warming is a gradual process of worlds cataclysm. Its hard to understand its direct impact as it is a slow process. Again, the final impact is surely devastating though there are some apparent advantages within the tolerance limit. World politicians should think about What they want to leave for the next generation?. They might get short term economic benefit from the controversy of global warming, but in the long term, it would be a real disaster. The world should go through the reformistic approach in order to help offset global warming. References dApollonia, LS 2013, Global warming controversy: A trojan horse of modernity, International Journal of Science in Society, 4, 41-50. Retrieved from Demeritt, D. (2001). The Construction of global warming and the politics of science. Annals of The Association of American Geographers, 91(2), 307. Retrieved from Lemieux, A. (2007). Why is planet Earth so habitable? Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 70, 18-22. Retrieved from Samenow, J. (2011, May 24). Global warming in 2015 made weather more extreme and its likely to get worse any ytimes. The Washington Post. Retrieved Wang, E. (2016, Nov. 19). Trump has called climate change a chinese Hoax. Beijing Says It Is Anything But. The New York Times. Retrieved from Zajko, M. (2011). The shifting politics of climate science. Society, 48,457-461. Retrieved from doi:10.1007/s12115-011-9477-9.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Battered Women Syndrome Essay -- essays research papers

Battered Woman Syndrome In Robert Agnew's general strain theory, he talks about how strain and stress could cause an individual to commit crimes that they wouldn't have committed without those circumstances. In his theory, he refers to negative affective states, which are the "anger, frustration, and adverse emotions that emerge in the wake of destructive social relationships". It is these negative affective states that are produced by strain. Agnew acknowledges that strain can be caused by negative situations, such as abuse or neglect, family conflict, or stressful life events. These situations can all be found to be extremely prevalent in households where domestic violence occurs. According to this theory, the negative stimuli presented causes, in this case, the woman to feel angry, frustrated, disappointed, depressed, and fearful. These negative feelings, in turn, are outwardly expressed through violence. In this paper, we will look at battered woman syndrome as a theory that has stemmed from R obert Agnew's general strain theory. In her 1979 book "The Battered Woman"; Dr. Lenore Walker first came up with what is now know as battered woman syndrome. Put simply battered woman syndrome, or BWS as it is sometimes called, is a group of psychological symptoms that are easily recognized in women who have been physically, sexually, or psychologically assaulted by their domestic partner. According to Dr. Walker, "Battered w...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Managing homeland security

The US homeland security department was formed as a strategy to beef up homeland security following the enactment of the Homeland security Act of 2002.   This was in reaction to the increased terrorist attacks around the world and particularly because of the devastating September 11 terrorist attacks in 2001.   The department of Homeland security is charged with the economies responsibility of mobilizing the nation for prevention of further terrorist attacks.   This it does by providing a care unifying point for numerous organizations that ran parallel to ensuring sufficient homeland security. (Kemp, 2003).Notably, the DHS responsibilities are exceedingly important as well as challenging.   The men and women in this department rise daily to protect the citizens of America form visions terrorist attack.   They must therefore be guided by a clear framework to direct flier actions and this is provided in the department vision and mission statement.   For instance, the vision reads preserving out freedom, protecting America †¦we secure our homeland.The mission on the other hand reads â€Å"we will lead the unified national efforts to secure America.   We will prevent and deter terrorist attacks and protect against and respond to threats and hazards to the nation.   We will ensure safe and secure borders, welcome lawful immigrants and visitors and promote the free flow of commerce (   These strongly started missions provide a strong foundation and framework for building on the daily operations of this department.The vision and mission of the department set out the goals of the department which are also purposeful and clear, for example to identify and understand threats, to value to most valuable asset i.e. the people of America and so on.   Clearly, the mission and vision stamens of the DHS are crucial to the operations of the department and especially the human resources.The structureThe department of Homeland security compri ses of five directors namely, The directors of National protection and programs, The directorate of science and technology, The directorate of management, The office of policy and the office of health Affairs.The directorate of National Protection and programs is charged with the task of developing and implementing risk reduction approaches by putting in place an integrated and comprehensive view of cubing risk elements both physical and virtual.   If feel that this arm plays a crucial role since prevention is better than cure.   Risk reduction approach goes a long way to facilitating reduced terrorist attacks.The directorate of science and Technology primarily provides the federal and state officials with the technology and capabilities they may require to stay a head in the plight against terrorism.   This is a very important function of the department because seen as it is, the terrorist techniques get sophisticate by the day and with the directorate R&D efforts, advanced t echnology to match or even surpass that of the terrorist gangs helps to reduce numerous attacks by detecting them early or reducing the magnitude of their effects. This I feel is very crucial to be department’s mission.The directing for management is equally important.   This is because it ensures that the budget is properly appropriated, adequate to fund the operations of the department which no doubt must be very costly.   These funds must be well managed and this is the function of the directorate of managements.   Additionally, other components such as the human resource, expenditure of funds, IT systems management, procurement of necessary materials and so on fall under the roles of this directorate.These functions although not directly connected to the actual capturing of terrorists contribute to the smooth running of the department. This is especially true when it comes to the  human resource.   I believe it is one of the most important functions of this depa rtment which entails the right people for the job. E.g. highly qualified, possess integrity, innovative as well as patriotic.The division of office of policy is just as pertinent as the other in the DHS. Although not well known to many, its main function is to formulate and coordinate policies within the department of homeland security.   I believe that the division in the DHS is crucial component in that it provides a focused centralized long range blue prints to the protection of the United States and its people. (Howard, James & Moore, 2005).Also in line with the five directorates of the department of homeland security is the office of Health Affairs.   Much cannot be said about this department but of importance is the role it plays providing medical activities in instances where having medical background preparation may be called for.   Generally, this act to ensure that staff is well prepared to face challenges of a medical nature such as diseases like SARS, Bird flu and the rest which pose homeland insecurity.The US department of homeland security works in conjunction with the independent organizations such as the US coast guard which is a branch of the military whose duty is basically to conduct search and rescue mission as well as provide security assistance of a marine nature.   This organization is the smallest of all but none the less vital in ensuring maximum possible security to the American citizens, the environment us economy or any other security interest falling in the region meantime.   This organization seems most logical because it is impossible for the DHS to work alone in providing security to the whole of American.Not only that, division of labour or rather specialization ensures that the experts do their part to give maximum contribution to the security of America.   Beside since both organization have same mission where necessary at all times.   The other independent body that worked with the US department of security is the secret service.   This department has dual roles form providing security to correct retires of visiting leaders and conducting criminal investigations of a sensitive nature say money laundry, identity theft, computer based attacks and so on.Contrary to what most people believe, not the agency is misplaced in working with homeland security, I feel that its pretense is crucial to beefing security within American not only to the ‘who is who’ and their families but even the citizens of American.   This is because most terrorist attacks are funded from outside sources to internally based allies.   Tracking suspicious transfers could head the agency to exposing such suspicious transaction and ultimately lead to the crime that is not so far apart form terrorism or terrorist.   When the US secret service curbs these problems, they in part also curb problems and threats of terrorism.The five directorates are further made up smaller operate under the umbrella of the d irectorates.   For instance under the NPP directorates we have the offices of cyber security and communications, infrastructure protection (OIP) office of intergovernmental programs (IGP) office of Risk management and Analysis (RMA) and US Visit.These sub-divisions under the NNP directorate expand the breath of jurisdiction and duties of the department of homeland security.   In terms increasing preparedness for unexpected attacks, reassurance to the nation providing decision makers will information that is relevant and accurate when it is needed, developing integrated approach to homeland security right form grassroots, and so on.In my opinion, the department of homeland security is well organized, in a logical way of least.   The organization hierarchy is very clearly displayed in the deportment organization chart with the security at the top of the chart.   In support to this claim, the department has tried to be very comprehensive with almost all areas affecting security considered, for example, the legal aspects, health, financial management, technological, intelligence, citizenship, public affairs and policy and so on.Additionally, the department appoints commissioners and directors form other agencies such as the citizenship and migration services, customs and border protection, transport security, secret service, coast guard, federal emergency management Agency (FEMA) and immigration and customs enforcements. (   This only goes to show how well thought out the organization of the agency is. The inclusion of the afore mentioned agencies ensures that no loopholes are left uncovered i.e. right from detection of potential threats, prevention tacking of insecurity and swift and efficient disaster management in case of terrorist attacks or natural disaster strike.However, it is not hard to notice that one important agency is absent in the DHS organization i.e. the federal bureau of investigat ion.   It is alarming because these two should be closely interlinked because seen as it is they share comm. interest i.e. fighting crime, protection and conducting criminal investigations.   If they could work directly with the departments of Homeland security then perhaps the expertise on fighting insecurity and terrorist attack would be greater.ReferencesDepartment of Homeland Security. About the Department of Homeland SecurityRetrieved on October 27, 2007 from World Wide Web: Introduction to Emergency Management Textbook, FEMA Higher Education Project. Retrieved on October 27, 2007 from World Wide Web:, R.D., James J. & Moore J. C. (2005). Homeland Security and Terrorism: Readings and Interpretations. New York: McGraw-Hill Professional.Kemp R.L. (2003). Homeland Security: Best Practices for Local GovernmentInternational City/County Management Association.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Patton – Fuller Community Hospital

An analysis of Patton-Fuller Community Hospital Network systems James doglas CMGT/554 December 19, 2011 Carol Eichling An analysis of Patton-Fuller Community Hospital Network systems Patton – Fuller community hospital’s network system consist of two major parts, the first part is the executive part that connects the hospitals executive management, human resources department, operations, IT and data center, etc. , the first network is connected using a 1000base-T Gigabyte network connection that uses a typical Cat6 cabling (Apollo Group Inc. 2008), the second major part of the network connects the departments of radiology, operating room, wards, ICU’s, etc. using a 1000base F fiber optic based connection, this connection is a gigabyte connection too and the both parts of the connections are connected to the network bridge switch that is acting as a core switch. Observing the network structured layout (Apollo Group Inc. , 2008) reveals that the deployment decisions were made depending on the physical distances between the nods in each major network part. In the first part, it was obvious that the nods where in one physical place and the distances between them is not more than three hundred meters, this assumption were made depending on the fact that the 1000Base T network cannot be efficient more than the distance mentioned above. Where the second major part is in physical locations that more in distance than the executive network, this was based on the assumption the multi-core fiber network can be distanced up to two to three kilometers. The network logical operations are all based around the IT data center (Apollo Group Inc. , 2008) since it contains the major servers and the NAS (Network Attached Storage) (About. com, 2011), it’s also included the internet gateway router that allows access to the Internet. Furthermore any access to the network from the external resources will be routed through the RAS (Remote Access Server). Depending on the current topologies readings, several recommendations are necessary to be done in order to keep the network efficiently operational, especially that some parts of the network are mission critical and it is very important to address the issues of availability and reliability. In nowadays network it is very efficient network structure practice to separate the network nods into groups, this will ensure efficiency in interconnection and data transmission, and furthermore it is also one of the famous security practices that will prevent networks in internal structure to access each other. This can be achieved through using VLAN (virtual LAN) practice (Cisco, 2002), that separates the network nods into groups, each group will be related only to that group nods, this can be done on the switch level (layer 2), and all the VLANs can be interacted with each other through the core switch (layer 3) which provides routing along with switching. This practice can reduce the load on the internal networks through reducing the broadcast messages to that VLAN member’s level, though freeing some bandwidth capacity to more important transmissions. Another important recommendation is necessary in data center, this will be the separation of the internet server from the internal network, and access it only using remote access methods in case access is needed, this will insure that there are no method of access the internal network only through the RAS server which forces authentication mechanisms to allow any external connection. It is obvious too that the current server array and the both data centers in the hospital’s network are missing one very important component, and that is the backup system, it is very important to include a backup server to the network to insure data replication is available in case of accidental data corruption or deletion, furthermore take a data snapshots in logical periods of time keeping them physically in another geographical place will be a very likely practice in case of catastrophic data loss. One of the very good utilities of the hospitals network is the availability of the wireless access on the ward level, this will insure instant connectivity to the hospitals network from the small mobile devices such as laptops or other Wi-Fi based medical devices such as the new cardiograph devices which shares data with the database servers through wireless connection. These wireless devices depending on the diagram specifications are in 5 gigahertz frequency which are not compatible with every laptop computer, a recommendation to replace them with 2. gigahertz frequency devices are more efficient in order to allow laptops to access the network. A special attention is needed in the security of these wireless access points by connecting them to a server like RAS server to authenticate the personnel accessing the network wirelessly before allowing the devices to use the network. This is very important practice to prevent a destructive intrusion into the network. The conclusion Patton – Fuller hospital’s network has the potential of a successfully designed network with some adjustments to the network configuration is essentially needed to insure availability and reliability. Adding backup system is also an important necessity to prevent data loss, and applying security policies and authentication mechanizes are also essential to ensure continuous network security and performance. References About. com. (2011). Introduction to NAS. Retrieved from http://compnetworking. about. om/od/itinformationtechnology/l/aa070101a. htm Apollo Group Inc.. (2008). Patton – Fuller IT Data Center Diagram. Retrieved from https://ecampus. phoenix. edu/secure/aapd/CIST/VOP/Healthcare/PFCH/IT/ITDC. htm Apollo Group Inc.. (2008). Patton – Fuller Logical Network Diagram. Retrieved from https://ecampus. phoenix. edu/secure/aapd/CIST/VOP/Healthcare/PFCH/IT/ITLogNet. htm Cisco. (2002). VLAN Security Practice. Retrieved from http://www. cisco. com/warp/publi c/cc/pd/si/casi/ca6000/prodlit/vlnwp_wp. pdf

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Goree Island Book Review Essay Example

Goree Island Book Review Essay Example Goree Island Book Review Paper Goree Island Book Review Paper Review: Goree Island: Island of No Return, Saga of the Signares by Richard Harrison Goree. Gold Leaf Press, Mt. Clemens, MI. 1996. Often times a search for family history can lead to confusing twists and turns or shocking revelations. In the case of Richard Goree, the search for his family’s past led to a novel with much important knowledge for the rest of the world. Goree Island is a story revealing the importance of signares in economic success during the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade and colonial period in Africa. Elevating themselves to respected and revered statuses, these mulatto women were considered the grease that kept the European (particularly French) economic machines moving. During the colonial period in Africa, mulatto (half white/half African) women came to power as the go-betweens for traders by utilizing their lighter complexion to initially gain a level of inherent trust. When an incoming trading ship ported at Goree Island, the French stationed there would send these women, signares, to the important shipmen on board in hopes that the gift of the company of these women would put them in a better mood to trade. : Throughout the years these women became vital to the success of the French at Goree Island. In a course about the history of African women the signares are bound to come as up as an essential part of the slave trade era. However, one of the main points of this book was primarily on everyday life and interactions between signares and other individuals; including their effects on the island’s economy, social and diplomatic relationships and ceremony. When Goree Island was a high traffic port for trading, the most important activities surrounding a ship’s arrival would be centered around the signares. When word of an incoming English ship came in to Monsieur de Drouin, he was extremely concerned about the incoming shipmen’s impressions of their signares. Without the involvement of these signares it is unknown how the transactions would have gone, but what is known is the length of preparations that were made to ensure their visitors were pleased and in return were generous in trade. Sasha and Helene-Marie, both Mothers of the signares at different times, were given the privilege of slave labor to build a stone parlor for their entertaining purposes. This was completely out of the ordinary for French society, however exceptions to the French rules were made daily for the signares, as shown by Andre Bruie’s conversation with a newly arrived factor. â€Å"They have the connections [signares]. So, if the rules don’t provide for them, then the rules must at least give them room to do what they do best† (115). The importance of signares was not underestimated in Goree Island and is evidenced by the French’s willingness to budge on previously unfathomable aspects of life, race relations. Another main point of this book is that the signares were not simply handed their positions but they were acquired through hard work and cunning. The aforementioned stone parlor was earned by Helene-Marie through an invention that was adapted by the French in their prisons on the island. After asking for permission to use slave labor, Bruie responded to her â€Å"she could have the men do it if she could secure them and still give them room to do the work. Then I laughed and dismissed the idea, she came back one week later with this† (116). He was referencing a collard invention that Helene-Marie devised in only one week. This shows that the signares were innovative enough to have created their own opportunities and acquire the position they are in by their own actions. The greatest contribution to helping understand the signares life choices was an early interaction between Helene-Marie and a young Sasha. Sasha inquired if Helene-Marie ever asked for anything in return from the European men they visited. Helene-Marie scolded Sasha for asking such a question and continued to enforce the fact that they are to expect nothing in return and to be obedient to their guests. This dialogue between the two is important to understanding that from a young age the signares were trained for their future. Once the signares had established their position on the island it was important to teach the young mulatto women and future signares their roles at a young age because often times it was unknown how young they were going to be requested by the traders. One of the things I would have liked to have added in this book would have been stories of interactions between the signares and the visiting traders. It was shown on more than one occasion that signares can become emotionally attached to their traders so there has to be some sort of poignant connections happening between them. These exchanges would also provide additional insight on how the signares were able to climb to the social position they have achieved.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Applications of Titration Essays - Bases, Sodium Compounds

Applications of Titration Essays - Bases, Sodium Compounds Applications of Titration November 27, 2015 December 2, 2015 S. Raphael Introduction: The laboratory method used in this experiment is titration. Titration can be traced back to the start of volumetric analysis, in the late eighteenth century. The study of analytical chemistry began in France (Bandos, 2015). The first burette was made by Francois Antoine Henri Descroizilles, a French chemist and pharmacist (Rosenfeld, 1999). The field began to spread to other European countries. The first text that mentioned titration was published in 1855 in Germany. It was titled Lehrbuch der chemisch-analytischen Titrirmethode (Instructional Book of Titration Methods in Analytical Chemistry). Karl Freiderich Mohr, the author of the book, is also responsible for advancing the burette from an inefficient graduated cylinder-type instrument to a tool with a clamp at the bottom that is still used today (Bandos, 2015). Titration is a laboratory technique that is used to determine the concentration of solution by reacting the known volume of that solution with the measured volume of a sol ution with a known concentration (Haberer et al., 2011). To determine concentration, the equation for concentration in relation to moles and volume is used. C=n/V C= concentration in mol/l n= moles in mol V= volume in L (Ms. Raphael, SCH 3U1, November 29, 2015). Molarity (M) or molar concentration is the unit used for expressing the concentration of solutions. It is defined as the number of moles of solute per liter of solution (, 2015). To be categorized as an acid according to Arrhenius Theory, the solution must be able to form hydrogen ions when dissolved in water. To be categorized as a base according to Arrhenius Theory, the solution must be able to form hydroxide ions when dissolved in water (France, 2015). To be categorized as an acid according to Bronsted-Lowry Theory, the solution must be able to donate a proton, a hydrogen ion, to a base. To be categorized as a base according to Bronsted-Lowry Theory, the solution must be able to receive a proton, a hydrogen ion, from an acid (Williams, 2015). In both theories the acid must be an aqueous solution, be able to neutralize a base, and have a pH of less than 7. As well as a base must be an aqueous solution, be able to neutralize a base, and have a pH of greater than 7 (, 2015). In a titration, one reagent, the titrant, is slowly added to another, the titrate. In titration, the titrant is the solution with the known concentration, the titrate is the solution with the unknown concentration (, 2015). In the experiment the titrant, sodium hydroxide, was diluted with distilled water to create a 0.5mol/L NaOH solution. The amount of distilled water need to dilute the base was calculated using the formula for dilution, which was rearranged. C1V1=C2V2, rearranged to solve for V1, V1= C2V2/ C1 C1=original concentration of solution C2=final concentration of the solution V1=original volume of the solution V2=final volume of the solution (Ms. Raphael, SCH 3U1, November 29, 2015). As the reagents are added to one another, using a burette, a chemical stoichiometric reaction occurs until the limiting reagent is exhausted. An indicator is used to distinguish when this happens. A burette is a clear tube with volume markings along its length and a tap at the bottom. The indicator changes colour when the end-point has been reached, which is at the point of neutralization (Richards Fromm, 2015). In the experiment phenolphthalein was used as an indicator. Phenolphthalein is a commonly used indicator in titrations. It is an acid-base indicator which is colourless when in acid solution, and turns pink to red as the solution becomes more basic (, 2015). To determine the pH of the solution, the equation to solve for pH was used. pH=-log[H3O+] pH= acidity or alkalinity of solution [H3O+]= concentration of solution (Ms. Raphael, SCH 3U1, November 29, 2015). The purpose of titration is to find the point at which the moles of the standard solution is equal to the moles of the unknown solution, this is known as the equivalence point (Clark, 2015). The mole is an SI unit, Systme International d'Units, which measures the number of particles in a given substance. One mole is equal to 6.02 x 1023 atoms, or other appropriate units

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Responding To Customer Complaints On Social Media

Responding To Customer Complaints On Social Media You’re human. Mistakes will happen. Nothing is perfect and something will go wrong. Not every customer will be satisfied. This is not a failure. The best businesses are the ones that mess up and show how they fix their mistakes. They build their customer’s trust and prove they are listening to them. When a significant other makes a mistake and owns up to it, do you dump them because they messed up or do forgive them and trust them more because they were honest? Depending on the situation, you’ll forgive them and that will make your relationship stronger. It’s similar with business. Mistakes happen, but when a business owns up to it and apologizes, they’ll build a better relationship with the customer. Listen To Your Customer Complaints When customers complain, sometimes they just want someone to hear them out. They had a poor experience, and no matter how big or small it was, the least you can do is listen. What do you learn when you listen? You find out about problems that would have created more dissatisfied customers in the future. When you listen to a customer, you have an opportunity to establish a relationship with that customer. By listening to them, youll let them know you care. Just because a customer is upset doesnt mean they are a lost cause, or gone forever. Regardless of the size of the issue, let the customer know you heard their problem and understand their frustration. One of my first jobs was a clerk at a small drug store/gift shop. I was 16 and terrified when customers complained because I had no idea what to do and no authority to do anything about it. This is when I discovered if I let a customer vent their frustrations to me and apologize for their poor experience, they would always leave happier than when they came in. Business Is About Relationships It is easy to forget the fact that business is all about relationships. Relationships  with your current customers, but with vendors, former customers, clients, the community, and more. The Perfect Apology, a site dedicated to helping readers craft the perfect mea culpa,  understands this relationship connection between a business and customer. It offers the following strategy about how to protect that relationship: 1.  Look at the reason behind your business apology and  who  has been affected by the situation. 2.  Determine the most appropriate way to apologize and  when  that apology should be given. 3.  Ask and answer the following four basic questions: What are you apologizing for? Who are you apologizing to? How do you apologize? When should you apologize? When someone complains, its not the end of the relationship. Instead, its an opportunity. Its a chance to strengthen that relationship and rebuild it. Business is about relationships. Complaints are a chance to preserve and build relationships.How To Apologize Face-To-Face When I was in the first grade, a teacher of mine told us that if we were going to apologize to someone, sorry is never enough. When you apologize you should state their name, tell them what happened, tell them why it happened, and that you’ll never do it agin. As Ive been doing research on business apologies, Ive been learning this form of apology is what most businesses use. Its a five-step process. Apologize.  Actually say you are sorry. Dont say that you are sorry they feel that way but say I am sorry. State what you did wrong.  Make sure you inform the customer what your business did wrong. This is you owning up to your mistakes and taking ownership of them. Acknowledge how they are feeling.  Imagine yourself in their shoes, and let them know you understand (or are trying to understand) how the situation made/makes them feel. Express regret.  Let them know you feel bad about the situation. Promise it wont happen again. It’s hard to promise that something will never happen again, but you can at least mention how you will do your best to prevent a mistake from happening again. A crisis is never fun but it does give you an opportunity to build a lasting relationship with your audience. Of course, this is based on how you handle it. Customers Value Apology More What do customers value more? An apology or some form of monetary value in exchange for the poor experience? The Nottingham School of Economics  conducted a study and found that unhappy customers are more willing to forgive a company that offers an apology rather than monetary compensation. Why would customers be more willing to forgive a company that offers an apology? Researchers theorized that when customers hear Im sorry, it triggers an instinct to forgive. Its an instinct that is difficult for people to overcome. I have to admit that the results of this study came as a surprise for me. From my experience, I know customers always value a genuine apology. Im on the marketing team for a sandwich shop and like anyone in the food industry knows, mistakes happen. Typically when a customer complains, we apologize and offer to send them something in the mail. That something is usually a free sandwich. Well typically say something that directly addresses their poor experience, apologize for it and ask for them to give us another chance to make up for their poor experience. I believe this is a good balance between an apology and compensation. Author Bruna Martinuzzi wrote a wonderful post on the best way for businesses to apologize, sharing some great apology dos and donts. Whats the big takeaway? Don’t use the word â€Å"if†.  An apology that is â€Å"if I offended you, I’m sorry† is basically saying â€Å"I don’t understand how you can be offended, but if you are so sensitive to being offended, let me apologize.† That’s not the vibe you want to give off to your customers. You don’t want to insult them again. Just say, â€Å"I’m sorry we offended you.† That’s straight to the point and you took ownership of the situation. Don’t give excuses.  Excuses are tempting because there is usually a reason behind your actions. Yet excuses are easily one of the most annoying things about apologies. â€Å"I’m sorry I offended you, but I was just following customer policy.† Even if you have an actual reason as to why a situation occurred, refrain from making excuses. You can explain the situation, but don’t use an excuse. It will make your apology less genuine. Make it brief.  Keep your apology short. It’s easy to ramble on, but don’t. Short and sweet is the rule. This will make it seem more genuine and less about you. The sooner the better.  The time frame on giving an apology does expire. Don’t delay an apology. 50% of consumers give a brand only one week to respond to a question before they stop doing business with them, according to RightNow Customer Experience Impact Report. If possible, apologize before the customer even knows about the situation. It will make the customer trust you more. For business, trust is everything. Value the relationship.  You dont always need to be right. The value of a relationship will often overshadow your need to be right. By arguing about who is right and who is wrong, youre doing more damage. Does it matter who is right? Will it harm the relationship between you and the customer? Is it worth it? Create an apology policy.  If you have multiple employees, it can be hard to keep everyone in the loop on whats the best way to apologize. Even if you are the only person in your company, an apology policy will help keep you on track with consistent and level headed responses.  Martinuzzi points out Starbucks LATTE method for dealing with complaints.  Starbucks baristas are trained to respond to complaints by Listening (L), Acknowledging (A), (T)  Taking Action, Thanking (T), and Explaining (E). There is emphasis on listening first and only lastly on explaining what happened. Try to create an easy to remember policy that will help you and your employees deal with complaints. How To Apologize On Social Media One reason business owners dont want to go into  social media  is because they are afraid theyll be on defense the entire time. Any time a customer has so much as a mediocre experience they come flocking to their social media networks and complain. It seems like all they would do  on social media is apologize.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Assigned topic Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Assigned topic - Research Paper Example In Socrates discussion with Thrasymachus that followed, he first cleared that it was compulsory for people to abide by rulers and just like other people were prone to make mistakes in formulation of these laws. So the times when rules have made a mistake and people are claiming it as justice than it won’t be interest of stronger. In that case when people claim justice abiding by the rule of state or the ruler it won’t be for the interest of stronger but would actually cause injury to those in power. This might be unintentional but clearly states that Thrasymachus claim of justice only being interest of stronger is not always abided by. This is what they agreed upon at the end of discussion. Book 2 According to Glaucon, what do people praise instead of justice? Why? The best way to living by Glaucon is when men have done and suffered injustice and they come to a mutual ground which would be called as lawful and just in the society. Ring of Gyges is explained by Glaucon a nd is termed as a mythical magical artifact. This has this divine and strange power that makes its owner invisible. He says that every man believes in his heart that doing injustice would give more benefits that acting by laws of justice. If someone gets the ring of Gyges and doesn’t use it as mean of injustice he would be termed foolish by others. This is the reason people praise injustice because they believe that it will give them more benefits. Paper 2 Politics is a broad term which includes Strategy, economics, and rhetoric and since it includes all of the other sciences, it is called the master of art. It involves people who in a certain way control lives of people as they make legislations which make things happen and tell people as what they ought to do or what they should stop doing. This is what brings man to a good end. A young man is full of action and passion and his interest are mostly on the basis of action rather than knowledge. Moreover, his experience in lif e would be in general rather than specific to this political science and he would be good with life in general terms but not specifically with political science. Happiness can’t be identified with honor since that would end of man’s political life. For a man, honor is basically assurance of his goodness and men with practical wisdom are the ones who seek honor. Virtue however is related with inactivity according to Aristotle and no one would call such a person as happy and hence honor is not related to happiness. Happiness according to him comes with all noble acts and it is impossible to do Noble acts without proper equipment and therefore it is important to have external goods to create happiness. Virtues are intellectual as well as moral. Intellectual wisdom includes philosophic wisdom, understanding and practical wisdom would be included in intellectual wisdom whereas liberality and temperance are said to be part of moral virtue. Moral Virtue is a mean between two vices and lies between excess and defect and also a mean between passion and action. This would simply mean choosing the in between pathway. Paper 3 Prodigality and meanness are two words that Aristotle explained on the basis of wealth. Meanness according to him is the excessive desire and lust for wealth than there should be in a normal person. However, Prodigality is a complex termed described by him. These are those men who spend money on self-indulgence and they are basically

Friday, October 18, 2019

Contracting and Ethics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Contracting and Ethics - Assignment Example However, according to the records the individual was able to access non- public propriety information regarding the protester’s performance of the contract that was incumbent, thus appearing to be challenged procurement. Therefore AGPH should be excluded from the competitive bid as it used the services of a former government staff which is unethical with regard to government laws on contracts. With regard to protesting the bid, Government Accountability Office (GAO) will issue the decision arrived at regarding the protest within the hundred days after it has been filed. GAO considers protests that concerns awards of subcontracts by or sales of a federal agency, or of a federal agency, or procurements made by the government agencies other than the Federal agencies. According to Lebowitz (2009) asserted that If GAO finds out that the award is not in compliance with the regulations it may recommend the AGPH to pay the protester the costs of filing and pursuing the protest, and th e bid and proposal preparation. In addition, protests are dismissed on the basis of; contract administration; contracting officer’s affirmative responsibility; and procurement integrity. 2. Since TMA was in the Department of Defense (D.O.D) responsible for awarding and management of contracts. Through the issuance of an RFP the issuance of contracts was to undergo evaluation before being awarded. This includes using the technical approach, past performance and finally price/cost. By employing the services of a former employee of TMA it means the whole process is flawed as he had access to information not available to the public. Therefore, AGPH should have utilized the rating scheme for purpose of evaluating on technical merit. According to the Agency Report (AR) Tab 86, of the Source Selection Evaluation Guide (SSEG) at 11-12, a flaw in the proposal increases the risk of unsuccessful contract performance. Also, TMA should evaluate each of the sub factors stemming from propos al risk. With regard to assessment of the ethics issue relevance rating is vital. In assessment and assignment of performance the following rating scheme is utilized; exceptional, satisfactory, marginal and not satisfactory. TMA is to receive time proposals from entities like AGHP for the contracts of the North Region. TMA’s is to commence evaluation and selection process with the establishment of three evaluation teams: firstly is the technical evaluation team (TET), which is to evaluate technical proposals; performance assessment group (PAG), which evaluates past performance information of offeror’s; and the price/cost unit, tasked with analyzing the price/cost proposals. The teams’ findings are then to be submitted to the chairperson of the Source Selection Evaluation Board (SSEB), who prepares best value award recommendation and evaluation report for consideration by source selection authority (SSA). The SSA following advice from the source selection advisor y council (SSAC) makes the final decision on best value award (G.A.O, 2009). 3. So as to avoid malpractices in the bidding and contracting processes integrity is paramount. The AGPH and TMA should set integrity mechanisms in their organizations. It is useful to conduct interviews including the very key individuals within the TMA who presumably would have wider direct knowledge of the activities of the former government employee. Also

Lens essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Lens - Essay Example Using Kant’s deontology, an analysis of the actions of Mackenzie and Elena reveals that Mackenzie merely concerned about consequences that are not recommended while Elena made her decision correct from a sense of duty. There exists a dilemma on whether this issue should be forwarded to the council or the matter should just be ignored. When people are making decision, stakeholders must be considered. In the case, all sororities are stakeholders because fairness is not existed when one small group break the rules. Furthermore, those recruits are also stakeholders given that they have additional interaction with people in sororities. In the view of Mackenzie, she might just care about her own advantage, but from the perspective of Elena, she considered most of stakeholders’ benefits include herself. Kant explains: â€Å"One ought only to act such that the principle of one’s act could become a universal law of human action in a world in which one would hope to liveà ¢â‚¬  (13). Ethical dilemmas exist at workplace especially because most of them happen to our dear friends. Mackenzie is in a dilemma on whether to reject the whole recruitment process just because a few of the interviewee’s ignored the basic rule. Although it seems like a tedious and troublesome process it is the right channel that must be followed. The rules said that in order to have a fair process for everyone, sorority members had to stay indoors to avoid mixing with the rest. This is the rule and for Mackenzie to be fair and just to the rest of the sorority members she has abandon the recruitment process and report the matter to the recruiting council although it is not her fault and she has not broken any rule. By doing this she will also be showing her loyalty to the company. Elena on the other hand is right and she had made the right decision by advising Mackenzie to abandon the recruitment

Marketing Grocery Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Marketing Grocery - Essay Example Macro-environmental Factors Macro-environmental factors are the environmental factors that affect the marketing strategies of the organization although it has limited chances of manipulating them. They include political-legal, socio-cultural, international and technological factors. The organization can define these factors in terms of scanning for better understanding of all opportunities and threats it may face together with the required strategic devices to adjust so as organization can attain and maintain competitive advantage (Kotler & Armstrong, 2006). Macro-environmental factors originate from outside of the organization and they cannot be changed by the organization’s actions. Specifically an organization can get great challenges when there changes in this factor of environment but the organization itself cannot affect the environment. Legislation The legal environment forces organizations to become complex while affecting business operations directly. It is difficult for businesses to operate their activities without meeting obligations relating to regulations of the law. Some of the regulations that may affect bussines organizations include consumerism regulations, competitive and relations of employees. Most of regulations are associated with regulatory agencies. The US has the powerful regulatory agencies that include Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and many others. Compliance cost of the regulations is very expensive although most of them are passed on consumers at the end. This means that most of the product prizes may be high to meet the requirements of all the regulations. Therefore, the organizations commodity-marketing price depends heavily on the legal requirements (Schmidt, 2005). Socio-cultural Factors Socio-cultural factors of environment comprises of traditions, values and lifestyles that provide the characteristics upon which the organization operates. Socio-cultural factors of environment affects the ability of an organization to get resources, come up with its own services and operate within a society. Social-cultural factors comprises of all aspects within the society that has the ability to influence the performance of an organization. They can include expanding educational levels, population demographics, values and norms together with the attitude towards social responsibility (Schmidt, 2005). Technological Factors Technology i s a factor that affects the development of strategic plans of an organization. Variation in technology may lead greatly influence the demand of the organizations goods and services. It may also affect its processing techniques and the required raw materials for manufacturing goods. The changing of technology can influence an organization in two ways. First, it may provide new opportunities for the organization to explore and get better returns. On the other hand, it may cause threats to the survival status of the organization, the product or industry. Technological improvements continue to increase at a very high rate, which requires that all firms be a constant revolution to survive. Balance of Payment Balance of payment is the net difference in goods that bought and sold by business people of a country. It

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Steel Work Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Steel Work Questions - Essay Example Some of the least expensive products Steel Works has to offer are the products the customers choose not to have. This suggests Steel Works will need to discontinue the use of some of the products. If Steel Works is going to begin showing profits again the company will need to move some of the current inventory, and control the manufacturing of future inventory. Before, Steel Works can sell some of the products they are overstocked on the company will need to reduce the cost to the customer. By reducing the cost to the customer, the company is making the product seem more appealing to the customer. Everyone likes to save money, even companies. 2.) The coefficient of the inventory tells one the company has too much inventory of the two products. The company should definitely decrease the inventory, as soon as possible. When the company figured the coefficient for the inventory, the numbers were astronomical. The coefficient will tell the company what products should be sold first, and what variations of the two products need to be sold at a discount. When the company figured the coefficient, the company was surprised at the astronomical amount of inventory the company continues to have at present. 3.) The company has been holding a large amount of inventory.

Business and Economics of the Olympics Can Ireland Benefit from the Essay

Business and Economics of the Olympics Can Ireland Benefit from the London 2012 Olympics - Essay Example Research has shown that those bidding countries that do extensive pre-planning, including those that secure financial backing from private enterprise and corporate businesses so as to not directly enter into agreements to obtain funding from city coffers, have successful Games as there is no direct involvement of the public's money. By also utilizing many of the buildings, like in the Calgary Winter Olympics, for training centers to accommodate future Olympic athletes and open them up for public use, these facilities will also continually fund their operation. As in the example of the Olympic arena in Montreal, the facility became a constant maintenance problem due to an extremely leaky roof and thus has rendered it unusable. The scope of this paper is to not only examine those Olympic Games that have proven to be a financial opportunity for those businesses pre and post game hosting, but, also how the next Olympic Games to be held in 2012 in London can transfer that knowledge to a potential host, Ireland. Evidence will be shown via tables as to the financial benefit to businesses that have occurred through two successful Olympic Games, Los Angeles and Sydney, and provide documentation as to the full involvement the governments of both countries had in encouraging business financing in order to fulfil the greater use of facilities once the Games have moved on to the next host country. Introduction Business enterprise has always had a vested interest and need by many athletes in pursuing their dreams of Olympic greatness. The governments of host cities and host countries have a further vested interest in ensuring the Olympics make it to their city of choice. By having the government work in cooperation with businesses, the ability to fund the Games proves to be an extremely involved and long process that can either make the Games a success or a failure. There are many key economic issues that are associated "with the holding of Olympic Games and the factors that are important in ensuring the potential benefits are realized, are those associated with the macro-economic environment" (Treasury Department, NSW 1997). These such issues that will be

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Steel Work Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Steel Work Questions - Essay Example Some of the least expensive products Steel Works has to offer are the products the customers choose not to have. This suggests Steel Works will need to discontinue the use of some of the products. If Steel Works is going to begin showing profits again the company will need to move some of the current inventory, and control the manufacturing of future inventory. Before, Steel Works can sell some of the products they are overstocked on the company will need to reduce the cost to the customer. By reducing the cost to the customer, the company is making the product seem more appealing to the customer. Everyone likes to save money, even companies. 2.) The coefficient of the inventory tells one the company has too much inventory of the two products. The company should definitely decrease the inventory, as soon as possible. When the company figured the coefficient for the inventory, the numbers were astronomical. The coefficient will tell the company what products should be sold first, and what variations of the two products need to be sold at a discount. When the company figured the coefficient, the company was surprised at the astronomical amount of inventory the company continues to have at present. 3.) The company has been holding a large amount of inventory.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Women Role in Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Women Role in Society - Essay Example Today, women share the same political and civil rights as men. They can vote and they can even be elected and appointed in public office. They can own property, they can practice profession and in all aspects of the law, they are considered as equal. Discrimination is even punished. As such, women now are no longer expected to just stay at home and rear their children. They can now pursue any career that they like. They are free to endeavor on anything. Although it still is challenging for them, we see women executives and politicians. And society actually looks up at successful, career-oriented women. However, being a woman, the demands of motherhood is still present. Despite having a career, mothers still have the responsibility to take care of their children. As such, the problem of women now has a different face. It is no longer discrimination or oppression. Now, their problem involve, them being torn between pursuing a career and the demands of child rearing. Personally, I would like my wife to remain at home to take care of me and the kids. But I know that way of thinking will be frowned upon. Society now dictates that the modern woman be career-oriented. Being a housewife is considered old-fashioned and pass. I don't want my wife to be called old-fashioned. And I don't want to be scorned as I will be depriving my wife of her opportunity to pursue a career. However, I find the essay of Danielle Crittenden very interesting. My impression of her is that she was born in the time civil and political rights was already equal between men and women. As such, she does not share the same sentiments as Stanton, Adams, Wollstonecraft and Wolfe. She does not have that extremely strong drive to prove herself as capable and worthy as any man. Because at the time that she was born, equality between men and women has already been established. As such, Crittenden was not ashamed to admit that motherhood is equally important to women. That it is also hard for mothers to leave their children while they work away from home. That while society demands that the modern woman be career-oriented, a mother cannot easily brush off the longing to personally take care of her child at home. In my opinion, women now face a different kind of pressure. Because of the work of a lot of female activists to grant women the equal status that they enjoy today, modern women feels compelled, that it is their responsibility to keep it that way. To voluntarily submit and be limited to housework would be throwing away all the years of advocacy for equal opportunity that women like Stanton worked hard to achieve. As such, women feel ashamed to fall back into the old-fashioned state of women. They feel that they should do more than just stay home and take care of the household. That they could do better than just become a housewife. I do not agree with this line of thinking. Being a housewife is not an easy task. It may not be as glamorous but it is difficult just the same. The house doesn't clean by itself. The clothes don't wash themselves either. And the babies, they can't feed on their own, they can't change their own diapers. That's why I don't understand why they get less respect from society. They do hard work

Monday, October 14, 2019

Learning To Love Yourself

Learning To Love Yourself Loving yourself is a solution to many problems. But how to do that? Worry not! Do you know the secret to success, satisfaction and a happy life? Self-love is the secret to all this! It is the best gift you can give yourself. People who love themselves life a satisfied and happy life. Have you heard people say you cant love others until you love yourself? Or dont expect others to love you until you love yourself. Either way, you have to love yourself and that is the secret to a happy and satisfied life! But how can we do that? Love our own self? Like a parent loves its child? Like we love our most prized possessions? How? We all know that our parents think we are the nicest children on earth, but their thinking is sugar coated with a heavy layer of parental love! Its very difficult to think like that about us. When you feel hard to think good things about yourself it means you dont believe in yourself and its time to build a positive self imagine and love yourself. Heres how you can do that! Change your thoughts, change your world! Self-perception is the way we think of ourselves. It includes the way we look, walk, talk and do anything! Unfortunately a big problem with teens is that their self-perception is very poor. In other words, they often under estimate themselves! They dont know their true potential. So if you think your problem is that you need to change it! For that make a list of all your habits or attributes that people appreciate. It can be your smile, your warm personality, your good looks, your ability to make friends easily, your special talent or anything else. Once you have the list in front of yourself, read it and try to realize that there is something special in you for which people appreciate and applaud you! Everyone has something special and so do you! All you need to do is realize that and change your weakened self-perception! Once you do that, the world will seem a better place to live! Forget your flaws for a while! The key here is to love yourself so much that you will not even have enough time to think of the negative things. But the reality is that not everyone is perfect. We all have our flaws and the solution is to be acceptable of our own flaws. When you love yourself of all the strong points that you have and be acceptable of your own flaws, you will have a sense of gratitude towards life. Not only will you only love yourself, you will also start to love other people too and be acceptable of their flaws too. Struggle to improve. If there is something in you, which you dont like and cant bear try to remove that. Try to improve yourself. It could be anything. For example the way you talk and your communication skills. If that is the problem then practice talking. Practice makes a man perfect and in this case a woman too! So practice and you will improve. Likewise, if you dont like the way you look because of the fact that you are fat, and then try to get rid of those few extra pounds to love yourself. If may take in a little effort but you will gain a lot of satisfaction. And that is what you need to love yourself and live a satisfied life! Counteract Negative or Critical Thoughts About Yourself! Pen down the negative ideas and perceptions in your head. Try to remember who said that to you (or said something of that nature). Then write something opposite to what you have written, one by one. The counter messages should be convincing and loving. If youre having issues in doing so and find it hard, see if you can find a close friend who could help or get into the mood and then try. Be positive! Dropping negative attitudes goes a long way towards helping you with almost every problem in life. A positive approach can help you to love yourself too! You will feel well about yourself and others if you look at things in a more positive light. So try to adopt this approach! Appreciate yourself. Appreciate yourself at every achievement of yours. No matter how small it is, its an achievement nonetheless and hence deserves applaud and appreciation! Make sure that you give yourself special treatment at success and even small achievements. Be proud of them so that the world knows you have done something important and special! Pamper yourself. Life truly is very hectic and we hardly get time for ourselves. But that doesnt mean you keep neglecting yourself. So take out time from your hectic schedule and listen to your heart. Do something special for yourself and pamper yourself. It can be anything; drinking hot coffee at midnight, listening to soft music, getting a message, going to spa or simply sitting outside while its raining! Just make sure you do pamper yourself once in a while! So go ahead. Love yourself. Be good to yourself. Treat yourself well. Replenish yourself. You will discover that, the more you love yourself, the more you will be able to give love to others and the more others will want to be around you and give love back to you. This is a win win situation. Loving yourself will ultimately benefit the lives of others you encounter, as well as your own life.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Plasmid Extraction :: essays research papers

Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Chitobiase, from Vibrio harveyi, is a membrane bound lipoprotein involved in the degradation of chitin. Chitobiase is similar to and may share a common ancestry to the a-chain of human b-hexos-aminidase. Chitobiase is encoded by chb.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  In this experiment, a restriction map for restriction enzymes Eco R1, Pst1 and Hind III using Southern hybridization and restriction analysis of pRSG 192. pRSG 192 is a recombinant plasmid derived from the chb gene and pUC 19, a 2.7kb engineered plasmid which encodes for ampicillin resistance, a portion of the lac operon and a multiple cloning region . The chb gene exists as a 3.6 kb insert in the mutiple cloning region of pUC 19.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The major goals of Experiment One will be to isolate pRSG 192 from an overnight culture of E. coli, amplify a region of the chb gene using PCR, and to map restriction sites within the chb gene using restriction analysis and Southern hybridization. Methods Plasmid Isolation Four microfuge tubes containing cell pellets representing 3.0ml of cells(2 x 1.5ml) from an overnight culture of E. coli were prepared. The supernatant fluid was discarded and each pellet was resuspended in 150ul of TE buffer(10mM Tris-HCl, pH 8.0; 0.1 EDTA). 300ul of SDS(1% SDS, 0.2 N NaOH) was added to each pellet. The tubes were placed on ice for five minutes, after which, 225ul of ice-cold 3M potassium acetate(pH 4.8) was added. The tubes were again placed on ice for five minutes and subsequently microfuged for five minutes. The supernatants were recovered and transferred to new tubes. One volume of phenol/chloroform was added to each new tube. The tubes were shaken vigorously for two minutes and centrifuged for five minutes. The upper, aqueous phase was recovered and transferred to a new tube. One volume of chloroform was added to each tube. The tubes were vigorously mixed and microfuged for three minutes.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Advanced Technology and the Society :: essays research papers

Advanced Technology and the Society Have advances in technology helped to create a lazy, detached society? The truth is it has. It becomes more and more advanced that the inventors do not even know what to do. They run out of ideas but they make a new one and then ten more come out of just that one idea. Advances in technology have helped to create a lazy, detached society because, people say: why do this if we have it all in our hands, everything is already there. People think it is cool to have all the gadgets that are new and advanced and easier to do things with, but it is actually making the society more lazy. For example, the society now has e-mail and instant messengers to commun- icate with, they do not want to write letters anymore, that shows that the society has become lazier. Since the society has this to help them communicate they send an e-card through e-mail rather than making a letter of their own. Also instead of driving down to a little family get together, the instant messenger gets in the way because it seems easier to communi- cate with. Another example, is that now a days the society has telephones, cellphones and even camera phones to help everyone communicate.When someone invites another person to a birthday party the person that gets invited makes up an excuse saying they can not go so they just call and say Happy Birthday. Also when someone wants to meet someone else they just text messages or call each other instead of going for a walk. These are some examples that really reveal how lazy and detached the society has became as technology advances.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Dear God Essay

Kalina, Presented to: Mrs. G December 20th, 2012 Dear God Movie Ethical Consideration The film â€Å"Dear God† directed by Garry Marshall is about a young man named Tom Turner who is a specialized con man. However, once he gets caught by the police, he has the choice to either go to jail or find a real job. He chooses the job. Tom finds himself working at a post office, sorting dead mail. In all likely turn of events, Tom finds himself answering â€Å"dear god† letters and helping those who are in desperate need to uncover the happiness they deserve.Faith plays a role in this film because even though nobody can physically see God, they continue to pray and write letters to him, hoping someone will hear their prayer. Justice also plays a role because justice is about empowering people who need it the most and doing what is right. Take the old man who wrote a letter that he was going to commit suicide. It is justice that out of all the letters that could have been picked, his showed up and a life was saved. He wrote that letter in some hope, someone would read it and save him.His faith and honesty in God led him to be saved. The world is anything but a perfect place. And even though so many of us live in luxurious houses and have access to so many technologies, there are always going to be people who need help. Whether it be money, taking to someone or saving lives. There are so many problems and issues people can have. It can be a large country as a whole, like third world countries who struggle to find water and food for themselves or someone battling depression. People have faith because they need to believe something good can happen for them.They need to know that someone is watching over them and that they are not alone. I think having faith in something or someone can give people the confidence to even start making their own choices and actions. I think it is so difficult for people to reach out and help others because we live in a world where there are so many complications, expectations and pressures. People have so much going on in their own life; they think they have no time to help others with theirs. We are so caught up in our own roblems we forget that so many others are faced with the same challenges and may even have it worse. Some people we also feel resent towards helping others because no one has helped them when they needed it. I feel like more people have become selfish and if they haven’t gotten something then they shouldn’t help someone else receive it either. Nowadays, people will only help others if they get something in return, but in my opinion that still doesn’t count as helping someone if you’re doing it for yourself. I think society is already on the path of self-absorption.And if continues to in the same way it is going, I think it could lead to a massive amount of deaths that are unnecessary. Take Egypt, Syria or even Greece for example, all these countries have major conflicts that have lead to protests and deaths. I think society will continue to behave selfishly if they continue on this path and nobody will appreciate the true meaning of life, all they will care about is money. I believe that a large amount of people in the world care more about money and possessions than they do about loved ones or people.However, I also believe that there are also many people who still possess a kind heart and do want to help others without their own benefit. If more people start to look at things from different viewpoints and put themselves in other people’s shoes, they can make a difference, just like Tom Turner. People need to start believing in the more positive aspect instead of the negative and have a little faith that sometimes people will do nice things for others without getting anything in return.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Environmental Science Essay

Environment is one of the most discussed topics in the international community and is one of the many concerns of political leaders today. Due to this, different environmental issues have arisen such as the climate change, sustainable development, and air pollution. Climate change is the most popular and most discussed issue in the international community today. According to the European Commission, â€Å"climate change is one of the greatest environmental, social, and economic threats facing the planet† (European Commission, 2008). I have learned that climate change is the altering of the temperature of the earth. It is something that we all experience not only in one region of the world but also in different parts of the globe, as depicted in the images that the media are presenting to us. The issue on climate change and other environmental concerns caused the United Nations to form a policy as a countermeasure. Thus, the term sustainable development emerged. In a report of World Commission on Environment and Development (WCED) in 1987 entitled â€Å"Our Common Future,† sustainable development is referred to as a â€Å"development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs† (cited in Bankobesa, 2005). The statement caught my interest because it captured the essence of why our environment must be taken care of. The thought of having the future generation suffer due to the actions and decisions of the present generation does not reflect a very beautiful image in my mind. Maintaining the environment is an obligation for the present generation because of the necessities of the future. Air pollution is another issue that I am very much concerned about. There are outdoor and indoor pollutions, such as black carbon pollutions and noxious gases which could affect the environment and inflict serious health problems to people when inhaled, such as irritation of the nose, eyes and throat, bronchitis, pneumonia, lung cancer, and heart disease just to name a few (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, n. d. ). These issues which have grabbed my attention and concern are all too big a problem to be solved by one person only. As the International Education and Resource Network (iEARN) (2008) put it, we have â€Å"One world, One environment. † Hence, these environmental which affect the whole world can only be addressed when each and every one of us will cooperate with each other. However, everyone must be aware first of the problems of the environment. This is the reason why several promotional campaigns and awareness programs, such as the ads made by Hollywood celebrities, have emerged to encourage the Americans and the rest of the world to fight against their advocacies. By making them more aware of these environmental issues, individuals would be able to do their part in protecting the environment and saving it from disintegration. To increase the amount of help they can give, I suggest that they join organizations that combat environmental issues. I learned that environmental science cannot be separated from the lives of human beings. Although some people may not notice it, environmental science is part of our daily lives and is highly evident. Although some of the effects of these environmental issues are rooted from the changes in nature itself, most of them are provoked by human activities such as smoke belching, illegal logging, improper dumping of waste, and many more. Thus, while we perform the activities that could harm our environment, we are also the ones who can alter the consequences that gave rise to these environmental issues. Therefore, working together towards addressing these problems would only be solved through cooperation and unity. References Bankobesa, G. M. (2005). Ozone Protection: The International Legal Regime. The Netherlands: AJ Utrecht. European Commission. (2008, May 05). Environment: Climate Change. Retrieved May 05, 2008 from http://ec. europa. eu/environment/climat/home_en. htm International Education and Resource Network (iEARN). (n. d. ). One world, one environment. Retrieved May 05, 2008, from https://media. iearn. org/node/205 Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. (2008, May 05). Indoor & outdoor air pollution. ELSI Project. Retrieved May 05, 2008, from http://www. lbl. gov/Education/ELSI/pollution-main. html

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

John Steinbeck and his book ‘Of Mice and Men’ Essay

John Ernst Steinbeck was born on February 27, in 1902 in Salinas, California, He came from a reasonably well off family. He worked his way through college at Stanford University, but never graduated, so in 1925 he set off to New York where he tried to start his career as a writer, but he failed to have any of his writing published and returned to California. He then published a few books and short stories. His first novel, Cup of Gold was published in 1929, but attracted little attention. The readers also poorly acknowledged his following two novels, The Pastures of Heaven and To a God Unknown. Steinbeck then married his first wife, Carol Henning in 1930. But he still wasn’t recognised in the world of literature until 1935 when Tortilla Flat was published. It received the California Commonwealth Club’s Gold Medal for best novel by a California author, and then his work became recognised far and wide. Steinbeck then went onto produce some of his greatest novels, including Grapes of Wrath, which was a Pulitzer Prize winner in 1939. The greatest prize Steinbeck was awarded for his writing was the Nobel Prize for Literature, in 1962. John Steinbeck died on December 20th, 1968, in New York. The first book I read by John Steinbeck was ‘Of Mice and Men’ and it is about two men who are immigrant American labourers. Together they have a dream to settle down and farm their own land rather than work for other people. So they join a group of farmers to earn the money, so that they can buy the farmland for themselves. These two friends are completely unlike each other. One of them, who is called George, is a small intelligent man, and the other, Lennie, is a big, clumsy, caring, but child-like man. The two men have been friends since they were children. But Lennie was not always stupid, but became like this after an accident that happened when he was young. George is always with Lennie for comfort, friendship, but mainly as he is very strong and can work on a farm better than most people. George supports him, helps him and puts thoughts into his head, to try to him motivated. Lennie trusts George with everything and really values their friendship. When the two friends finally get the money to make their dreams come true George takes advantage of Lennie and kills him, so that his dream is secured. In this book you are made to feel sorry for Lennie, as he was very caring, and even when he killed the animals, and boss’s sons wife, you know that he was only being friendly and caring, and just wasn’t aware of his own strength. At the beginning of the book George seems to be Lennie’s friend, but by the end you realize that he is only using Lennie to fulfil his own dreams. The second book by Steinbeck I read was ‘East of Eden’. This book was set in the period between the American Civil War and the end of World War I. It is about the conflicts of two generations of brothers. The opening chapters describe Samuel and his family, and what living in Salinas Valley is like for them. The first generation is the kind, gentle, caring Adam Trask and his wild brother Charles. Adam eventually marries Cathy Ames who is a wicked, manipulative, but very beautiful prostitute. Cathy betrays Adam, with his brother Charles on the very night of their wedding. Later, after giving birth to twin boys, she shoots Adam and then leaves him to return to her former job. With the help of their Chinese servant Lee, Adam raises their sons, the fair-haired, charming, yet stubborn Aron, and the mysterious, clever Caleb, without telling them about their mother. The second generation of brothers compete for their father’s approval. In resentment Caleb reveals the truth about their mother to Aron, so he then leaves to join the army. At the end of the story, Lee makes a great effort to help keep the Trask family together, when Adam is lying in his bed dying, Caleb is overwhelmed with guilt because Aron has been killed in the army. Lee believes that if Adam gives Caleb his blessing for indirectly killing his own brother, he will able to move on in life, and not always feel so guilty. In this novel, although he is not a main character, Lee, their servant is a good friend to Adam, and helped him at his worst times, and managed to hold the family together, so the story wouldn’t have turned out the same without him. The third book I read by John Steinbeck was ‘The Grapes of Wrath’. The book is set in California and it follows the terrible misfortunes of the Joad family, who like many others have given up their lives in Oklahoma in search of employment in California. The book follows both their hopes and setbacks creating a true account of the American dream of the 1930’s, as we observe their struggle to try to get by with what little money and possessions they have. When the Joad family leave the Hooverville, which is an independent migrant camp and move to a government camp, because they cannot find a job at Hooverville. This camp is clean and has a local government made up of migrant workers. For the first time since arriving in California, the Joads find themselves treated as human beings. However, when the work runs out they had to move on. Tom ends up killing a man who is responsible for the death of is good friend John Casey. They have to flee and find work picking cotton, and Tom’s presence there is soon spotted, and Tom has to go into hiding. The ending of this book, even though not dreadfully clear, does suggest a little hope for the Joads, but more so hope for humanity. I enjoyed this book because I saw a lot of things that all of these books have in common, and the most obvious thing was that each book was about underprivileged people who were fighting to keep their lives and families together through many misfortunes. In Steinbeck’s books there is always an inferior character that keeps the people together, for example in The Grapes of Wrath Ma Joad tries as hard as she can to keep her family together, but apart from that you don’t know much about her. And also in East of Eden the servant, Lee, holds the family together, and helped to bring up Adam’s children. The struggle between good and evil is the most dominant theme in these books. John Steinbeck shows that everyone has the potential to be a good person, or completely immoral. An example of this theme is in East of Eden, as Adam is a very kind and caring person, but Cathy is nasty and pitiless. Also in Of Mice and Men, Lennie is a gentle loving man, whereas his friend George turns out to be a horrible, ruthless person. Of Mice and Men and The Grapes of Wrath have a connection between the type of work the people do because they are both about people trying to make ends meet working on farms, trying to fulfill their own dreams. Love is another issue that all these books have in common, because whenever love is missing from a specific part of the story, the results become disastrous. The three of Steinbeck’s books that I read all have a very detailed and descriptive writing style, which adds to your satisfaction of his books, as you are given persuasive glimpse into the lives of others. The characters in Steinbeck’s books seem to come to life because of the vast understanding of human courage to be able to choose between what is right and wrong Steinbeck has. I enjoyed reading all of these books, because even though in some ways they were very similar, they all had a different storyline, so I didn’t find the second and third story boring after reading the first one.

Genetically Modified Organisms Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Genetically Modified Organisms - Research Paper Example This research focuses on a Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO), which involve a form of technological advancement in the field of biotechnology.Moreover, this paper explores numerous aspects of genetically modified organisms in order to achieve the research objectives. In this case, this research paper will cover aspects such as historical background, political, legal and economical impact of the GMO. It will also discuss the social, psychological, environmental, moral and ethical implications of GMO to the society. Nevertheless, the main objective of this research paper, which is set by the thesis statement, is to conduct an exhaustive analysis of controversial foundation and application of genetically modified organisms, thereby evaluating its implications, influences, and potential risks and benefits to society’s culture, moral values, economic, and governance, the wildlife, and environment. I. What is GMO? According to Millis (2006), genetically modified organism refers t o the host species involved in DNA technology breeding; in fact, GMO is a species with which breeding cannot occur, but DNA of another species can be introduced into it to acquire a genetically modified organism. Therefore, it receives a small piece of DNA from the species donor, thereby forming a property, which is unattainable through conventional breeding. In fact, biotechnology has been used in production of crops and livestock with potentials of increasing productivity. (Magdoff & Tokar, 2009). Moreover, some crops are produced in a way that they do not need use of pesticides and herbicides for controlling pests and weed respectively. 1. Science that drove GMO Biotechnology is an infinite field with diverse technologies, which contributes to the medical sciences by facilitating development of preeminent resolution for human health problems. In this case, biotechnology has led to establishment of technique through which organisms are modified genetically; in fact, this is as one of its applications. Moreover, biotechnology has been applied in the field of food development, whereby new properties are introduced into the genes of animals and plants to increase their productivity and resistance to pests or diseases. 2. Applications of GMO a. Traditional breeding Conventionally, plant cross breeding involved selection of species with desired properties among the offspring. In fact, crossing was aimed at obtaining a fertile offspring. With introduction of biotechnology, a desire to cross species that could not be crossed led to recombinant DNA technology, which made it possible to introduce a piece of DNA from one species to other species referred to as the hosts. Therefore, through this procedure the host specie became the GMO (Millis, 2006). Moreover, conventional breeding involved plants and animal breeding, whereby species with desired quality were bred with others in order to obtain useful combinations. In this case, the offspring after the cross breeding would acquire desirable traits such as resistance to pests and diseases or increased productivity. b. Molecular biology Molecular biology refers to the study of organisms at molecular level of their structure; in fact, it is applied in exploration of cells in order to identify their attributes and chemical processes. Therefore, through molecular biology, information concerning biological processes of the cell can be obtained. Furthermore, molecular biology in plants involves genetic, genomic, cell biological and biochemical approaches that facilitate understanding organisms’

Monday, October 7, 2019

Discussion Questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 5

Discussion Questions - Assignment Example The first step in the selection process is the generation of a master jury list. Rules of membership of a jury are common in most states and include citizenship, majority age, sound health, and freedom from a felony charge. The clerk then selects part of the list, based on the rules, into the Venire and notifies the selected individuals to appear before the court. Some of the potential jurors may however not be summoned. The last step in the selection is the scrutiny of the proposed jurors for competence and lack of conflict of interest into bias. The stage is called Voir Dire (Gaines and Miller 326, 327). The decision on whether to charge an accused or not, and which charges to make, remains at the discretion of the prosecutor. The prosecutor may however consider existence of probable cause and the possibility of arguing a case beyond reasonable doubt as legitimate reasons for the decision to charge or not, and for the charge to make (Gaines and Miller 287, 288). Weight of evidence defines the degree to which evidence offered in a trial process is valid and convincing. Strong weight of evidence implies a strong argument while a weak weight of evidence implies evidence and arguments that leaves doubt. Weight of evidence is used in a criminal trial to inform juror’s decisions based on the doctrine of proof beyond reasonable doubt. A strong weight of evidence informs the jury high chances of decision for the argument towards a guilty charge. The jury, however, sometimes decides against weight of evidence (Erastus-Obilo 137). Circumstantial evidence is indirect evidence to a case at trial. The evidence may be used to establish likelihood of occurrence of an element of crime in order to support an claim but not to prove a fact. The type of evidence may also be used in a criminal trial, together with other substantial evidence, to establish a fact to the case (Gaines and Miller 334). I believe that the

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Discussion Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 5

Discussion - Assignment Example Several advantages are derived from segmentation including isolating specific market segments that are more interested in what a business offers based on demographic. For example, the toy manufacturing company mainly targets children while cosmetic companies targets women. Salespersons would consider multiple demographic characteristics to segment consumer markets according to age, gender, income, and social class. In this way, an organization can bring suitable products or services to the market. People’s thinking and their favorite activities can be used to segment a niche market. Personal attributes linked to personality, attitudes, interest and lifestyles are characteristics that marketers focus on market segment. This segmentation allows organization to cater for personal consumer interests (Croft, 1994). Another way in which segmentation is important is allowing marketers to identify customers’ preferences and target them with similar offers. A business itself could glean potential opportunities in filling the gaps assumed by businesses dealing in similar products or services. In their direct marketing effort, the marketers could acquire lists of customers and send them mails or call them to introduce their services. The more cost effective a business marketing effort can become relies on more segments identified and brought together to reach more expected customers. Proper understanding of client’s needs is key to offering quality products and services. When customers derive ultimate satisfaction, they are likely to entice non-customers who share similar traits and characteristics, which is a relatively low cost marketing strategy (Weinstein, 2004). Both the firm and the client thus benefit through market segmentation. Integrating marketing mix elements in market segmentation comes in scores of ways. Market segmentation and

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Benchmar Exercise Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Benchmar Exercise - Essay Example The student also attacked the demerit system utilized in the college. This is because it is unfair for a student to be sanctioned based on incorrect information or perception. In April 2014, one female student called Samantha Field wrote an online article that accused the college of failing to give her adequate support after a rape incident within the college premises. The Haredi College was established in 2001 in Jerusalem. The college was mainly targeted for the ultra-Orthodox public. The college is mainly managed by Adina Bar-Shalom, the daughter of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef. But the college has experienced several controversial issues. Recent media information illustrates that the college is about to be closed, due to approximately $1.7 million debt. Several other Heredi colleges are experiencing financial challenges; for instance, Lander College that has filed for bankruptcy, and Makor HaMayanot. The Ministry of Education in Israel gave the responsibility of financial management at the college, to an accounting